Ministry of Finance Ethiopia


Information System Administration Center

Duties and responsibilities of Information Systems Administration Directorate

The Ministry of Finance in the process of its operation, interaction and exchange of information with Federal Public Bodies, Regional Governments, City Administrations, Bureaus of Finance and Economic Development (BoFED), Regional Sector Bureaus, Donors and other stack holders,  the Information System Administration Directorate  (ISAD) plays  vital roles in  the areas of data accumulation and computation, information exchange, communication and filling the ICT skill gap of users.

The following are its major responsibilities:-

  • Introduction and expansion of ICT services in MoF environment and its integration with other ICT infrastructures outside of MoF.
  • Develop and deploy different user applications and tools.
  • Administer and monitor ICT infrastructures, resources and applications to provide a secure, reliable and accessible services.
  • Build and Administer data center for hosting applications, provide secured, reliable and available ICT services, backup and restoration of data in MoF ICT environments.
  • Setting ICT directives and implement to standardize ICT resources utilization, procurement and disposal.
  • Train users and create awareness on proper and ethical usage of ICT resources and new application and technologies.
  • Support the ministry’s staff while using the ICT services.
  • Support the departments of the ministry who are engaged in procurement of ICT goods and services.
  • Advice the top management on issues related to ICT.